home repair program
A repair can make all the difference.
Our Home Preservation Program provides critical repairs to homeowners who are low-income, have a military veteran in the household, have a senior in the household, have a person with disabilities in the household, or who are homeowners who are in some way vulnerable because of income or disabilities. Please note that this program is not open to people who rent their homes.
The program is designed to address critical issues to make the home safer and more secure for the homeowner, and to enable at-risk homeowners to stay in their homes longer. Repair projects range from yard work, debris removal, exterior and interior painting, building access ramps and installing grab bars to major critical repairs, like roof or floor replacement. The number and kind of home repairs we can do is dependent upon funding from financial donors and grants. We cannot make decisions about eligibility by phone. If you have questions about eligibility, please FIRST complete and submit the form to the best of your abilities (please see more about the form later on this page).
You can read more about how we used federal funds for COVID relief to help people in our community with critical home repairs, and see a video of our executive director’s update about the program here.
how it works
Habitat reviews applications and looks at what is needed by homeowners versus the funding we have available. It can take many weeks, even some months, before repairs can be undertaken by those accepted into the program.
Habitat serves as the general contractor and may complete repair projects using Habitat staff and volunteers, or may hire subcontractors, depending on the nature of the work.
A sliding-fee scale is used with homeowners. Whether you, the homeowner, are asked to pay for a portion of your home repair project depends on these criteria:
Your current housing costs (mortgage payment, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and homeowners association fees if applicable)
Monthly medical expenses if you are disabled or elderly (age 62 or over)
The estimated total cost of the repair
The availability of grants and other funding sources
We will work with you and other agencies to optimize your project and help reduce your repayment. We may provide no-interest financing for larger home repair projects, depending on the availability of funds.
how to qualify
Qualified applicants must
own and reside in the own home or mobile home that will receive repairs (sorry, but our program is not open to renters nor homeowners who rent out their properties)
reside in the home in our service area:
Banks (97106)
Buxton (97109)
Cornelius (97113)
Forest Grove (97116)
Gales Creek (97117)
Gaston (97119)
Manning (97125)
North Plains (97133)
Timber (97144)
meet our income qualifications
Qualifying Household Income Limits:
# of Persons in Household | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Maximum Household Income | $66,080 | $75,520 | $84,960 | $94,400 | $102,000 | $109,520 | $117,120 | $124,640 |
Household Income = all gross income for all adults who will live in the home |
our service area
Banks | 97106
Buxton | 97109
Cornelius | 97113
Forest Grove | 97116
Gales Creek | 97117
Gaston | 97119
Manning | 97125
North Plains | 97133
Timber | 97144
Habitat cannot determine program eligibility prior to the submission of a completed application. We cannot make decisions about eligibility by phone. If you have questions about eligibility, please FIRST complete and submit the form to the best of your abilities.
Download our home repair application in English. Print out the form, complete the form and mail it to our offices (PO Box 806, Forest Grove, OR 97116), OR you can email it as an attachment to projects@westtualityhabitat.org OR you can return it to the West Tuality Habitat for Humanity office (please give it to our cashiers at our ReStore at 3731 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove, Mondays through Saturdays, 9 to 5). If you cannot download or print the form, please scroll down on this page and fill out the online form, and we will send you the full application via postal mail.
Descargue el formulario en español. Imprima el formulario, complete el formulario y envíelo por correo a nuestras oficinas (PO Box 806, Forest Grove, OR 97116), O puede enviarlo por correo electrónico como archivo adjunto a projects@westtualityhabitat.org O puede devolverlo a la oficina de West Tuality Habitat for Humanity (entréguelo a nuestros cajeros en nuestro ReStore en 3731 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove, de lunes a sábados, de 9 a 5). Si no puede descargar o imprimir el formulario, desplácese hacia abajo en esta página y complete el formulario en línea, y se lo enviaremos por correo postal.
If you are NOT in Western Washington County, Oregon (if your zip code is not in the drop down menu), we cannot provide home repair services; instead, visit the national Habitat for Humanity web site and look for the Habitat affiliate that serves your area.
Request the application to be sent to your home via postal mail / Solicita el envío del formulario a tu domicilio vía correo postal:
Habitat cannot determine home repair program eligibility prior to the submission of a completed application. If you have questions, please FIRST complete and submit the form, and note your questions on the form, and our program manager will get back to you within five business days.
West Tuality Habitat for Humanity is an Equal Housing Opportunity provider. We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. We also do not discriminate because all or part of the applicant’s income is derived from public assistance programs.
Oregon Construction Contractors Board # 201615